Monday, May 15, 2006

Drought in Britain ?

A drought order has been granted in England and Wales for the first time since 1995, banning the non-essential use of water.

Under the six-month order, Sutton and East Surrey Water can ban car washing, the filling of swimming pools and watering of parks and sports grounds.

The company supplies water to 650,000 people in the South East.

Environment minister Ian Pearson said he expected the company to use its new powers sensitively.

The Consumer Council for Water (CCWater) has asked the company not to be "gung ho" as it implements the order.
Sutton and East Surrey applied for the drought order as the region suffers its driest period for 70 or 80 years.


  1. get that water catching solar thingie....

  2. No,no you'll spoil my get rich quick plan ... here in Yorkshire it always rains and our reservoirs are full ,I was gonna ship it down south in my van and charge exorbitant prices lol
