Thursday, May 18, 2006

First Lesbian D-i-v-o-r-c-e-

A couple are to become the first lesbians to get divorced — after just TWO months of marriage.
Keep-fit fanatic Liz King, 40, ran off with a woman who was a guest at her wedding to heartbroken Daphne Ligthart.

Tearful Daphne said yesterday: “Liz told me she didn’t love me anymore — that she hadn’t done so for years. I was absolutely flabbergasted. I asked her why she had gone through the wedding and she said it was to make me happy. But it was all her idea.”

Daphne now faces the ordeal of a divorce and having to divide her joint assets with Liz.

Liz and Daphne were one of the first homosexual couples to marry under the 2005 Civil Partnership Act.

The joyful pair arrived in a Jaguar decked out in white ribbons for the ceremony on February 11 at Ashford register office in Kent. Both wore floral corsages and held a reception, complete with wedding cake, at a local pub.

Daphne, 36, said: “It was the happiest day of my life. Liz wanted us to be married in the eyes of the law and have the legal rights that men and women do when they are married.” Daphne added: “All through the wedding this other woman looked miserable. Now I know why. Liz admitted the other woman has since told her she fancied her then — and that she had wished it had been her getting wed. Then Liz told me the woman had told her she had ‘real feelings’ for her and they ‘acted’ on them.” But the first weeks of marriage were idyllic and Daphne and Liz called each other “Wifey”.

Daphne said: “We went on honeymoon to Amsterdam and Liz thought it was funny the hotel bill was for Mrs and Mrs Ligthart-King. She even asked if I would change my name by deed poll because she liked the sound of it. We seemed more in love than ever.”

But a month later Daphne noticed Liz becoming “different”.

Daphne, who works for Eurostar, said: “Liz is into athletics and is a triathlete. She began spending a lot of time training with another girl at her athletics club. There were together every day and this girl began coming round the house when I was at work. She was supposed to be heterosexual because she had lived with some high-flying bloke in the City for 16 years — but I had my doubts.”

Daphne said: “I thought marriage was for life. I took my vows seriously, but Liz obviously didn’t. She is going to buy me out of the house.”

Liz, an insurance worker, said: “I have nothing to say except that I feel sorry for Daphne at this time.”

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