Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Plane ridiculous

A tail section from a U-S Navy fighter jet that crashed three and a half years ago off Key West, Florida, has turned up 4900 miles away on a beach in Ireland.

A retired commercial airline captain discovered the tail piece Friday. The Navy confirmed today that markings on the section, including squadron insignia and a serial number, pointed to the downed F-14 Tomcat.

Currents from the Gulf of Mexico near the tip of Florida might have floated the nearly ten-foot-long triangular piece of vertical stabilizer — one of two on the plane — to the beach in West Cork on Ireland's southern shore.

The F-14 was based in Virginia. It crashed near Key West in the Gulf of Mexico on October third, 2002, during a training mission. Both crew members ejected safely.

Thanks to Debbie for this


  1. thanks debbie..
    wow, who woulda thunk it..

  2. That tail piece flaoted so well they're gonna turn it into a boat
