Sunday, May 14, 2006

Scrabble art

Artist David Mach has created an 8ft tall sculpture of a nude woman made from 4,200 Scrabble tiles - worth more than 76,000 points.

On sale for £50,000 the piece, called Myslexia, was commissioned by the Cass Sculpture Foundation and is on display in Goodwood, West Sussex.

The title is a play on words referring to the gender of the sculpture and the word disorder dyslexia.

Zanny Gilchrist, spokeswoman for the foundation, said: "Standing in front of the piece one is reminded of other classic nudes. David Mach is an artist who delights in turning conventions on their head."

He's previously used magazines, newspapers and car tyres in his sculptures.


  1. man..what the hell every happened to bronze, metal, they will be making statues out of gum...

  2. I think it's pretty neat.
    Oh ,and one woman has sculpted out of gum, she created a woman out of 200 or so sticks of gum ... that looked pathetic
