Monday, May 08, 2006

Some overdraft !

If you think your bank fees are high, take a look at Adrian Rumney's accounts.

The Wellington financial analyst was horrified to find his account had been debited $12.18 million, rather than the $9.95 price advertised for a personalised card with a photo of his choice on the front.

On Wednesday night, after he had ordered his card, Mr Rumney tried to buy groceries at the supermarket but his eftpos transaction was declined.

He phoned the National Bank and a computerised voice told him he was $12.18 million in the red.

When he phoned back and complained, a bank employee asked him to double check his purchases in case he had forgotten spending $12 million. He was later told the error could not be fixed because no one had the authority to reverse such a large amount, he said.

"At the start it was amusing but now it's just really frustrating."

As if thoughts of paying off a $12 million overdraft were not bad enough, he faced the prospect of $9000 a day in interest charges.

The bank finally credited Mr Rumney's account late yesterday, after he left countless messages.

National Bank spokesman Robert Reid apologised to Mr Rumney and said the delay in fixing the problem was regretted.

"We are very apologetic. As a result of this we have done some things to make sure these sorts of things don't happen again."

The bank would make "a gesture" to Mr Rumney to say sorry.

"The key thing for us is to talk to our customer and see what's going to make it right for him."

Mr Rumney, on the other hand, is just relieved he will have money to spend this weekend.


  1. holy shit..i would have had a heart attack..bam drop like a stone..

  2. Me too, mainly coz my bank wouldn't give me a credit card LOL
