Monday, June 05, 2006

Nice to have friends :)

Workers who held a whip-round to pay for a colleague's vital brain scan saved his life, doctors say. Delivery driver Gary Harris had been suffering severe headaches and vomiting for months, but was told he would have to wait 11 weeks for an National Health Service (NHS) scan.

Instead his workmates at Bristol's Park Furnishers clubbed together to find the £700 needed for a private check-up.

The scan revealed a large brain tumour, which doctors say would have been fatal had Mr Harris waited for the NHS scan.

"If my workmates hadn't paid for that scan I would be dead now," the 38-year-old father-of-two said. "After the scan, surgeons told me that if I didn't have the operation there and then I would be dead in two weeks.

"I can't put it into words what I feel for what my colleagues did for me, I can't thank them enough.They more than saved my life - they saved my daughters from growing up without a dad and saved my wife from having to bury a young husband."

Deryn Cotter, director of Park Furnishers, said all of his 60 staff had donated money for Mr Harris' scan.

He said: "It was very much a joint effort, everyone chipped in with money for Gary's scan.It came as a real shock to discover that his condition was as severe as it was, we're just glad we could help."

Mr Harris said he hoped to be back at work in two months.


  1. that not the greatest story ever??? makes you proud dont it..hmmm. movie of the week maybe?

  2. Makes ya feel nice to be human stories like this :)
    Instead of the usual crap you see in the news
