Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Your balloons are too light !

A delivery man was given a parking ticket because his load - a bunch of novelty balloons - was deemed too light.

James Higginson, 60, parked in a loading bay while dropping off the balloons in Birkenhead, Merseyside.

A traffic warden issued him with a parking ticket as the balloons were not deemed heavy enough to require unloading in a designated bay.

But Mr Higginson was celebrating today after council officials decided to rescind the decision.

A spokeswoman for Wirral Council said: "The loading bay in this instance was for goods vehicles only, delivering what can be classed as big, awkward or heavy items. On this occasion, after looking into the matter we have taken a sympathetic view and cancelled Mr Higginson's ticket.

"We do have a robust appeals procedure in place for motorists who feel that they have been wrongly issued with a parking ticket."

Mr Higginson said: "The ticket was stupid and this proves it."

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