Friday, July 21, 2006

Did I pass ?

A 16-year-old boy apparently had a seizure during his driving test, causing him to hit five vehicles, flip his Jeep and wreck the front of a store.

The teen and other drivers were treated at a hospital after Monday's crash. The driver's license examiner, Gregory Desmet, 59, of Macomb County's Shelby Township, was hospitalized overnight with a broken arm.

The teen, whose name was not released, drove the 2004 black Jeep Cherokee above speed limits, hit four cars and rolled over before going airborne and crashing into another car, which was pushed through the window of a rug store.

"Based on what Mr. Desmet told us, it appears the driver may have suffered some kind of seizure," Dearborn police Sgt. Doug Topolski told The Detroit News.

The boy probably will avoid charges, police said. Getting that license, however, is a different story.

Kelly Chesney, a spokeswoman for the Secretary of State, said the teen won't even be allowed to retake the test until he provides an explanation of what happened from a doctor.

1 comment:

  1.'s just a teenage thing...they all have seizures..
