Saturday, July 15, 2006

Did you drop one ?

A dad branded a council "ridiculous" yesterday claiming he was fined because his toddler son threw away a sweet he did not like.

Alfie McKinlay, aged two, dropped the sweet in Pontefract, West Yorkshire.

His father, Craig, was then handed an on-the-spot £50 fine by a patrolling warden.

The 27-year-old taxi desk operator insisted he did not see the incident.

But Wakefield Council said the fixed penalty was issued against Mr McKinlay because he was seen throwing sweets and not because his son had dropped one.


  1. man..ya'll are really anal...

  2. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Teach them early.

  3. He should have picked up the sweet and made the kid eat it , that would be the last time he ever littered ! Am I being a tad harsh ?
