Saturday, July 15, 2006

The hunt for Ninki-nanka

A team of UK dragon-hunters is on an expedition in The Gambia to track down a mysterious creature known locally as the "Ninki-nanka". Believed to live in swamps, the ninki-nanka appears in the folklore of many parts of West Africa.

It is described as having a horse-like face, a long body with mirror-like scales and a crest of skin on its head.

Team leader Richard Freeman told the BBC, evidence so far was sketchy as most people died soon after seeing it. Mr Freeman, a cryptozoologist from the UK-based Centre for Fortean Zoology, admitted that the ninki-nanka's existence was "very far-fetched indeed".

Second-hand accounts varied wildly from it looking like a crocodile or a snake to having wings and spitting fire, he said. But he disputed a suggestion that the hunt was a waste of time and money.

"We didn't know any of this before we came. We have to look into everything to see if there is a possibility that there's a real creature there," he told the BBC's Focus on Africa programme.

Cryptozoology is the search for animals whose existence is disputed or unsubstantiated, such as the Loch Ness monster.

The teams daily exploits are blogged on the Gambia Expedition


  1. waste of time? nah, now spending oodles of time trying to figure out what a pebble shape that's a waste of town..

  2. It,s a well known fact that the Ninki-Nanka lays pebble shaped shit , all these scientist should get together.
    Maybe it's a close relative of the Loch Ness-pebbleshit-Eating Monster ?
