Thursday, October 19, 2006

Rubbish bag fetish

NAGOYA -- An elderly woman who picked up bags of garbage from collection spots and then emptied the waste in the garden of a man's home so she could collect the bags was reported to public prosecutors Thursday, police said.

The 70-year-old woman, whose name has been withheld, has reportedly admitted to the allegations against her, saying she had a wild urge to collect the garbage bags.

"I had an irresistible urge to collect rubbish bags, and I took other people's garbage from collection spots, then threw out the contents and took the rubbish bags home," she was quoted as telling police.

The woman, a resident of Owariasahi, Aichi Prefecture, reportedly repeated the same behavior about 30 times from February this year. She is specifically accused of violating a waste disposal law by dumping 12 kilograms of garbage in the garden of a man's home over four occasions between June and October.

Police said the woman was in the habit of going for an early morning walk, and when she passed a garbage collection spot on Tuesdays and Friday, the collection days for burnable waste, she would take one or two bags and empty the waste at the same residence.

"There was no fence (around the residence), and it was easy to throw away the rubbish. I used the rubbish bags I took home for my own garbage," police quoted the 70-year-old as saying. "I don't know why I wanted the garbage bags."

The woman had been living with her family, police investigators said.

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