Friday, October 20, 2006

Taking the piss

Levy County Public Library System, FL, located southwest of Gainesville, serves a population of only 36,000 with per capita funding under $10, so volunteers "do anything and everything," director Bonnie Tollefson told Library Journal.

But the library's volunteer pool has nearly evaporated, from 55 to two, after the mostly senior volunteer force objected to the county's strict drug-testing policy for volunteers and employees.

"An 80-year-old woman is not about to pee in a cup," Tollefson told the Williston Pioneer Sun News. "It is an affront to her dignity." Indeed, the procedure adopted by the county requires that those tested urinate while a laboratory employee lingers in hearing distance, apparently to preclude the switching of samples.

an unnamed volunteer, who observed, "It's not like we are a high-risk group for coming in drunk or high or stoned or whatever. This is just a common-sense issue—why are we spending tax money to test 75-year-old grandmothers for marijuana? We should be using that money to buy more books and computers."


  1. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Who are they kidding... Grandmas have the best weed..

  2. That explains your dad's so called overgrown garden then
