Friday, November 03, 2006

Beer down the loo

Police officers in Staffordshire have been working in shifts to pour 2,500 cans of beer and hundreds of bottles of spirits and champagne down a toilet.

The alcohol was confiscated from an off licence that was trading illegally and a judge ordered it to be destroyed.

Severn Trent said it could not be poured into the drains so officers at Hanley police station will spend the next week flushing it away. Staffordshire Police said it was the only viable way to carry out the order.

"We are going to have to open every single can and bottle and tip them down the toilet," Sgt David Wright said. We will be staggering it over a two or three day period, but it is probably going to take the best part of a whole shift of two to three days for one officer."

But the former secretary of the Police Federation criticised the move saying it was a waste of tax payers' money.

Kevin Waters said: "I find it incredulous to think that this is going to be taking place within our force when it is paid for by the people of Staffordshire. Community taxes are going to be spent on police officers having to do this rather than having to look after the community of Staffordshire."

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