Saturday, February 10, 2007

Beer cows

A Cornish farmer is believed to be the first in the county to experiment with breeding cattle on beer.

The Limousin herd at Woodland Farm in Fentonadle get through up to 40 pints of local brew a day as part of their enviable diet. And they even get a massage to help produce the speciality Kobe-style beef, based on traditional Japanese production methods.

Farmer Darren Pluess says the cattle are not harmed by the diet. "They are completely happy and they do like drinking beer," he said. "Beer is basically, hops, water and barley which is consistent with their diet anyway. We have problems digesting it, but they are ruminants and it suits them better."

In Japan, Kobe beef is produced only by the expensive Wagyu cattle, but outside the country it can be sold as Kobe-style beef.

At Woodland Farm the beer, which is kept in 1,000 litre vats, is tapped into the sheds of the five Limousin cattle.

Two of the recipients, Olly and George, named after actor Oliver Reed and footballer George Best respectively, appear to be enjoying the diet which is complemented by regular massages to encourage tenderness.

Mr Pluess's wife Katy said Saturday night could get a bit rowdy.

"If they don't have enough and they run out, when we bring the beer in they get incredibly excited and run riot. I don't think they're alcoholics because they do have water as well if they want, but they certainly do enjoy it."

The result is fatty well-marbled beef with burgers from the herd fetching up to £40 each in London restaurants.

"You can't really taste the beer, it just tastes like really, really good beef," said Mr Pluess.

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