Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Tasteless billboard pulled

CHICAGO -- A Chicago billboard proclaiming "Life's short. Get a divorce" has been annulled.

City workers have stripped the sign from its perch after a week of complaints from neighbors and from other attorneys who said it reflected poorly on their profession.

A city alderman Burton Natarus, who lives near the sign, said he called the building inspector, and that the law firm's ad was taken down because the firm didn't have a permit, and not because of what it said -- or because of the scantily clad man and woman on it.

The two lawyers who had the sign put up said they're upset that it was removed. They also said the calls to their law firm have gone up dramatically since the billboard went up last week.

"The message really is that life is very, very short, and you need to be honest with yourself and have some personal integrity," said the creator of the billboard, divorce lawyer Corri Fetman. "If you are unhappy, take some action and do something about it."

Fetman said she felt "violated" and that the billboard was taken down without due process. Fetman and her partner Kelly Garland said the billboard was meant to be taken lightheartedly.

Some people thought the billboard was in poor taste, while others wish they'd thought of it themselves.

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