Monday, June 04, 2007

Cow's pajamas run up a flagpole

CHESAPEAKE, Va. - Chesapeake police are asking the community to keep an eye out for a cow statue stolen from a billboard _ and the person who ran the polka-dot pajamas the animal was wearing up the flagpole at an area restaurant.

You read that right: A cow was stolen wearing polka-dot jammies.

Authorities said on April 9 they received a call that a Fiberglas Chick-fil-A statue formerly attached to a billboard was in the middle of the highway. The billboard, reading "Shav Showr Eat Chikin," is part of an advertising campaign by the Chick-fil-A franchise in which playful cows encourage diners to eat chicken instead of beef.

Chesapeake Police spokeswoman Christi Golden said when Virginia Department of Transportation workers came to retrieve the cow the next day, it was gone.

Meanwhile, the owner of a nearby Chick-fil-A arrived at the franchise to find part of a very large set of pajamas waving from the flag pole.

"At the time, we didn't put two and two together," said Amanda Braun, area marketing director for Chick-fil-A.

The thief faces felony charges for the statue, worth more than $3,000.

It's the second time in less than two years the cow has been removed from the billboard, Braun said.

Police are investigating.

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