Saturday, July 07, 2007

£11m gas bill

Denis Dixon was expecting a pretty hefty gas bill. But his jaw dropped when he saw the bottom line on his latest statement. It said he owed a staggering £11 million.

And that was for just a two bedroomed flat. "I got a shock when I first saw all those noughts," said landlord Denis, 45.

"Of course I realised straight away it was a mistake - and immediately rang them up." He told the helpful British Gas advisor who answered the call that he had just received his gas bill and "might have some difficulty paying it".

The female advisor confirmed that the quarterly bill they sent was for £11,415,016...and 73pence. That included £9,102,730.34 for gas used, plus a "climate change levy" of £612,177.52. Not to mention an added £1,700,108.87 VAT.

Then she burst out laughing - and apologised for the error.

Denis said: "I've taken it light heartedly too, but it it might not have been so funny if an elderly or vulnerable person had got the bill." Denis, director of Charles Terence Estates in Bournemouth, Dorset, was told the correct bill was £500 - which he has paid.

The £11million demand was sent in error for one of 150 properties he rents with business partner Stephen Fowley.

Denis added: "They haven't asked for it back so I'm going to frame it and hang it on the wall."

A British Gas spokesman blamed "human error". He added: "The meter had been changed and the wrong reading was taken - clearly this should have been spotted."


  1. I'm surprised they admitted the error. I've read stories where they have hounded people for obviously inaccurate bills, only to back down when the customer has said, "Fine, see you in court"

  2. I pre-pay my gas bill ... which probably means I'm being screwed without realising it !
