Friday, August 17, 2007

Energy saving

A low energy lightbulb has proved to be a costly investment for a parish council in Northumberland.

Otterburn Parish Council fitted the village bus shelter with a 16 watt bulb, which switches itself off during the daytime.

The bill for a year's worth of electricity came to just £8.10. However Npower had added £124.81 as an administration charge.

Council chairman John Hartshorne said: "I was flabbergasted."

He added: "It's just not right. I couldn't believe we were being charged so much.

"We are a small parish council with limited finances who invest heavily in the local community and there are other things we can do with the money."

An Npower spokesman said that the bill was so high because an increase in network operator costs had caused an increase in administration bills, and that it was likely to be lower next year.

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