Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Cat napping man arrested

A man in America has been charged with extorting more than £10,000 ($20,000) from his elderly mother by repeatedly threatening to kidnap her beloved cat and demanding ransom, police said.

Garry Lamar, 47, from the state of Rhode Island was arrested Friday and released on £100 ($200) bail. He has been ordered to stay away from his 78-year-old mother, Mary Lamar Grancher.

He started threatening to kidnap his the cat just over a year ago, after his mother kicked him out of her home, accusing him of abuse, North Kingstown Police Sgt. Daniel Ormond said.

'This isn't just a family cat,' Ormond said. 'She actually called this cat her companion since she lived alone.'

Allegedly, during the past year, Lamar did actually go as far as to kidnap the cat once, and made kidnapping threats on an almost weekly basis. Police do not believe the cat was harmed, but are continuing to investigate.

Grancher made at least two dozen payments totaling more than £10,000 in cash and checks to her son.

Authorities are still sorting through her financial records to determine the precise amount.

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