Sunday, May 21, 2006

Boy wants car for 33p

A 6 year old boy posted 33 pence through the letter box of a car dealer asking them to give his dad a new car as a birthday present.
Now the Ilford Recorder is keen to trace the kind little lad, who signed the letter "Adil" and lives in Lynn Road, Newbury Park.

David Brewster, who runs Mazda MX5 dealers Dandy Ltd, in Eastern Avenue, Newbury Park, found the letter containing the loose change and laughed as he told how he initially struggled to read its contents.

He said: "It's so sweet, although we originally thought it was hate mail because we couldn't really understand what it said.

"But we read it through a few times and worked out that it's apparently from a six year-old boy called Adil who's put the money in and asked for a car for his dad's birthday.

"I guess the boy and his dad walk past our building and his dad must say he wants one of our cars."

The letter reads: "I want to get my dad a car. He wants a car from you please. My mum has got a car so I want my dad to have one.

"When is my dad going to get it? Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday?"

Contact telephone numbers were left in the letter - mostly written in pencil - but some numbers were illegible.

Mr Brewster said: "It took a while to piece it together, but if it's genuine I'd love for the family to come down and see us.

"The boy says his dad's birthday is this month, so maybe that explains it."

Mr Brewster added: "I can't give away a free car but we have small models of the MX5 so I could give the boy one if he wanted.


yellowdoggranny said...

hey if he gave that kid's dad a free car he would double his business..people would remember what he did and buy from him..what a schmuck

dom said...

He could give me a mazda for 33 p too , I'd give him tons of free publicity , lol