Director of the National Museum in Wroclaw, Mariusz Hermansdorfer, said he treated the campaign as a joke and has kept the painting on display - in the museum's cafe.
It will be offered for sale at a charity auction.
Last month, Wroclaw Fine Arts Academy student Andrzej Sobiepan put up his small painting of a green leaf in the Polish contemporary art gallery. Museum officials didn't notice the new painting for three days.
He said later he wanted to draw public attention to young artists who are denied exhibition space in museums.
Sobiepan said he was inspired by the elusive British graffiti artist known only as Banksy.
"I decided that I will not wait 30 or 40 years for my works to appear at a place like this," Sobiepan told TVN24.
"I want to benefit from them in the here and now."
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