P&G won a $19m (£9.7m) lawsuit against four distributors of rival Amway over rumours tying it to Satanism.
The court concluded a 12-year lawsuit in P&G's favour, after it ruled that the four had spread a false accusation that P&G subsidised Satanic cults.
The case is one of several unfair competition suits P&G has brought refuting the Satanism slurs.
According to P&G, the four distributors had passed on to customers the notion that its logo - featuring a bearded man looking over a field of 13 stars - was a symbol of Satan.
"This is about protecting our reputation," said Jim Johnson, P&G's chief legal officer.
For its part, Amway pointed out that it had successfully defended itself in an earlier case brought by P&G that had been connected with the rumours.
It had also, it said, done everything it could to get the rumour stamped out.
damn..it made for such a great story .....devil worshiping and soap...hell yes
Now they've been vindicated , perhaps they'll produced , Pope-on -a Rope , Devil-with -a horn and Bill Gates-on-a -rope
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