Artist John Sims called his work, "The Proper Way to Hang a Confederate Flag." It's part of a larger exhibition of art from six African-American artists entitled "AfroProvocations."
The Florida chapter of the Sons of Confederate Veterans objects to the display. The group calls it tasteless and offensive.
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Spokesman Bob Hurst asked the museum to take it down.
Hurst said it's an example of hate speech. He thinks the display violates a Florida law that said it's illegal to defile or cast contempt on the Confederate flag.
The law said it's OK to use the flag in a decorative fashion. The museum's executive director believes the exhibit falls under a decorative display.
Oddly enough I was just watching a video on this.
If the south woulda won we'd a had it made, I'd probly run for president of the southern state
The day Elvis passed away would be our national holiday
If the South would a won we'd had a it made.
I'd have all the cars made in the Carolina's,
And I'd ban all the ones made in China.
I'd have every girl and child sent to Georgia to learn to smile,
And talk with that southern accent that drives me wild.
Hank Williams Jr
I don't like to see any country's flag abused, nor a states flag, it's desecration.
I've heard that song, even though it's country moosak , it's quite cute
Many don't see it as a country flag because the South never split with the union.
The Rebel Flag stands for many controversial things. To some it stands for the flag the south would be pledging allegiance had we won the civil war.
Many Rednecks fly the flag and couldn't tell you who was in the civil war. lol
Many|Brits fly the flag not knowing that it's made up from England Wales and Ireland, we excluded Scotland because they've ALWAYs been a part of England
ask a black person that was raised in the south if they think it's ok to fly the confederate flag...but it means something intirely diferent to white southerners...sad that a peice of material can stir such love/hatred..
Jackiesue , surely you meant "ax" coz that's what they say when they go check a price ... I go ax
How is that song "cute"? There is nothing cute about longing for a world in which the South won the civil war. There is no way someone could wish that unless they were racist. The reason the South left the Union was because they were afraid Lincoln was going to outlaw slavery. Plan and simple. The rest is just revisionist history.
And why is it confederate flag waivers are so quick to run to the 1st amendment when right thinking people try to take down a confederate flag yet so quick to condemn this? Isn't this free expression?
Also, if there is a law making it illegal to desecrate the confederate flag, I guarantee you that law is unconstitutional. You could do the same thing to the U.S. flag and it would be completely protected.
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