Until yesterday, she always celebrated it on May 2 and it was only when relatives took out her birth certificate to send to the Queen so she would receive a telegram that they discovered she was actually born 22 days later.
A great-grandmother, Mrs Davies, who lives near Dover, Kent, said: "I couldn't believe it. My mum and dad must have got mixed up somewhere down the line after I was born because we have always celebrated it on the 2nd."
Mrs Davies, who is originally from Wrexham, Wales, added: "What's wrong with having two birthday parties? After all, not everyone turns 100."
Guests included her three surviving children Alma, Peter, Burt, and her 13 great-grandchildren. Her fourth child, Audrey died in 1996.
Alma, 73, said: "We were gobsmacked when we found out. It's amazing really."
Ann Laight, the manager of Mrs Davies's housing complex, added: "She is a real character - it could only happen to her.
"She loved the parties because she could have a few drinks and get up for a bit of a dance around with her family."
Mrs Davies, whose husband, George, a coal miner, died in 1983, said the secret of her long life was a cup of tea with a dash of whisky when she got out of bed, and a glass of port for lunch.
I have to admit for one year I thought I was older than I was. The next year was a lot more fun because I had lost a year of age! :)
I thought that was a natural trait of women once they got to a certain age ? ~~runs for me life~~
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