Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Six-legged Tree frog

A Waikato University scientist has offered an Arohena schoolboy $100 for his six-legged frog.

Seven-year-old Brett Wilson found the six-legged green tree frog on a friend's farm outside Te Awamutu this week and named him Frog.

Now biological scientist Nick Ling wants to buy Frog to run DNA and skin tests, which could determine why he developed the abnormalities.

The Waikato Times has reported findings of a four-legged chicken, a five-legged frog and now Frog the six-legged amphibian.

Brett found Frog while fishing for tadpoles, but it was his mum Vanessa who noticed his deformities.

Frog has two right rear legs and another leg that stretches from under his stomach and around his back.

His left rear leg does not move, but both front legs are normal.

Brett said Frog could not jump but he could swim and wiggle his toes.

Dr Ling said pollution, or a glitch in nature, could be responsible for Frog's deformities.

He said frog numbers were declining worldwide because of toxic pollutants in waterways, but he knew of no increase of abnormalities in the Waikato.

"Sometimes it occurs spontaneously, sometimes it can be an environmental abnormality."

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