Thursday, November 08, 2007

Billed for Nothing

Dave Abrams, of Baguley, Wythenshawe, was astonished when he received a letter from Powergen warning that he could be taken to court for an unpaid debt - of nothing.

What was even more surprising was that his flat was fitted with a pre-pay meter.

The letter, dated October 19, warned Mr Abrams he owed the company £0.00 for gas and electricity and said if he did not pay up immediately he would be visited by a debt collection agency. It added that he could also be taken to court and, as a result, may find it difficult to obtain credit in future.

Powergen, confirmed the letter had been sent out in error - but said Mr Abrams actually owed the company £502 after paying too little for his energy when the price went up.

Mr Abrams was told the bill would be reduced to £300 - to reflect the company's mistake - to be paid within two years. It was only when he refused to pay it that Powergen cancelled the claim altogether. Mr Abrams said: "I couldn't believe it when they phoned to apologise for the original bill, and then tried to tell me I owed £500. I told them I'd see them in court. I am amazed at that company's incompetence."

The spokeswoman said: "We have now withdrawn the balance because we made the mistake."

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