A 19-year-old law student has become Britain's youngest magistrate.
But the appointment of Lucy Tate to the bench in Pontefract, West Yorkshire, has attracted criticism from other magistrates who claim her youth and lack of experience make her ill-equipped for the job.
One magistrate, who did not want to be named, said: "It is an absolute folly to have somebody so young making such important decisions. What life experience does she have at 19?'
Miss Tate, who is studying for a law degree at Leeds University, said in a statement yesterday: "I look forward to serving as a magistrate. I have had my first sitting, which was fascinating and am grateful for the training and support which I have received, as all new magistrates do."
She added that she did not see herself as a role model but as someone 'who wants to serve the local community in a useful and positive way'.
On the Friends Reunited website, Miss Tate gives an intriguing insight into her tastes and lifestyle. Her profile includes a photograph of her favourite shoes and matching handbag, which are covered in pink sequins.
Her caption to the picture reads: "This is just my fave pair of shoes and bag (only pic ive got on laptop at mo)."
She goes on to list hobbies, including snooker and football, and also reveals that she has a typical teenager's taste in movies with Dirty Dancing, Notting Hill and Pretty Woman top of her list. And she reveals that she has dated the same man for three years and hopes to marry him after graduation.
Miss Tate was recruited after a £4 million government advertising campaign two years ago to recruit more young people and ethnic minority candidates to the bench.
Magistrates without legal qualifications deal mainly with minor criminal offences and some family cases - the minimum age was reduced from 27 to 18 in 2004.
Previously, the youngest magistrate was a 20-year-old man from Sussex, appointed last year.
One might have better luck of her understanding "real" life than some old geezer. IMHO.
I sort of agree, but 19 is still a bit too young...
Two duck hunters ran into one another early one morning. One of them noticed that the other's dog was just sitting there, who no interest in retrieving any of the fowl his master downed.
The first hunter asked, "What's wrong with your dog? The last time I saw him he was one of the best bird dogs I'd ever seen!"
"Well," the other hunter replied. "His name's Lawyer. He used to run all over creation working hard and getting the job done. The one day, someone made the mistake of calling him Judge. Now all he does is sit on his ass and bark."
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