Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Goldfish gets facelift

A goldfish at one of Scotland's most popular visitor attractions has undergone cosmetic surgery - after visitors started complaining that it was too ugly.

The fish, at the Royal Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh, had an "unsightly" growth on its face that prompted a string of complaints and concerned comments to staff.
Although the fish showed no signs of stress at its condition, scientists at the museum decided it should undergo surgery to remove the lump.

A spokeswoman for the museum said last night the fish's eye had to be removed along with the lump.

She said the operation had been paid for from the coins people throw into the pond, but she wouldn't confirm how many complaints the museum had received about the fish.

However, one source said: "People were saying, 'One of your fish has an unsightly growth coming out from its head'. They went to the reception desk saying, 'You've got an ill fish there'."

Matthew Kane, the zoological manager at Deep Sea World in Fife, said: "Allowing these animals to breathe during the operation is quite difficult."


yellowdoggranny said...

that is animal cruelty...what a bunch of dipshits

dom said...

The goldfish now looks like Michael Jackson, animal cruelty of the highest kind !