Saturday, September 09, 2006

Google a book and download it !

Google has added a new feature to its Book Search program that allows users download and print classic novels and obscure books from the public domain -- for free.

The program launched Wednesday to give readers the ability to view, browse and read the full texts of books that are in the public domain.

Google's Book Search service offers searchers free downloadable PDF files of classic titles like Dante's "Inferno," Sir Isaac Newton's "Principia," and Aesop's "Fables." Searchers can also run keyword searches within the book text or print the books to paper. Until now, the service only allowed people to read the out-of-copyright books online.

Google supports the free service by displaying small, keyword-generated text ads on search results pages. Google's latest extension of its books program does not include any books under copyright. For books protected by copyright, users will just get basic background -- such as a book's title and the author's name, a few lines of text related to their searches, and information about where they can buy or borrow specific books.

Google's books initiative has much of the publishing industry up in arms. The firm has been the target of two lawsuits since it launched the project last year.

The Association of American Publishers and the Authors Guild both filed suit against the search titan, asserting that Google should seek the permission of copyright holders before digitizing books.


yellowdoggranny said...

i dont see how they can legally do can they legally do that???

dom said...

The books are all out of printing rights anyone can access them , Google's just making it easier.
Any book that still has right's can only be partially accessed.
I reckon it's a kewl idea.
I just dun got me sum printin paper to download that remus n julie story