Sunday, September 17, 2006


The World Gurning Championships took place yesterday at the Egremont crab Gurners Courtesy Egremont Crab Fair and Sportsapple fair and are said to date back to 1267.

The competition consists of people making grotesque faces while sticking their heads through a horse's collar. The winner is the person receiving the largest amount of applause from the audience.

The word 'gurn' is probably from the word 'grin' which is possibly from the Scottish 'girn'. Girn is defined in the dictionary as a 'snarl' or 'growl'.

Greasy Pole Courtesy Egremont Crab Fair and SportsThe fair has, in addition to the gurning contest, games such as climbing a greasy pole, and traditional Cumberland wrestling. The fair takes place on the Saturday in September nearest to the 18th.


Anonymous said...

Give them the Pirate Face Dom! :)

dom said...

I'm gonna join in , in 4 years after a couple of years of your kids ... my 'Pirate face' will be a winner

yellowdoggranny said...

i may use this system to pick out husband number 4

dom said...

one of those taken your fancy Jackiesue ?