Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Tuk - tuk Burberry

The long-running battle by the Burberry fashion house to distance itself from so-called ''chavs" has forced a seaside rickshaw off the road.

Burberry, whose traditional check has been adopted by chavs on baseball caps, scarves and clothing patches, has threatened legal action against a Brighton firm running a fleet of tuk-tuks -motorised rickshaws - because it is decked out in the company pattern.

The ''chavrolet" was one of a dozen vehicles painted in a variety of colour schemes and operated by TucTuc Ltd. It was taken off the road at the weekend after the firm received a legal letter from Burberry saying that the colour scheme represented an infringement of copyright.

Dominic Ponniah, 26, TucTuc's executive director, said: "We are disappointed that the 'chavrolet' will have to go.

"It's a tongue-in-cheek design and people thought it was quite fun and entertaining. We're not ruling out another 'chavrolet' with a completely different design in the future."

Burberry declined to comment yesterday but the firm has been anxious for some time to rid itself of chavs' unwelcome affection for its tartan.


yellowdoggranny said...

i thought chavs were punks...? i'll never understand you guys...i watched gosford park..and what i understood of it.but pretty good..but i couldnt under stand all of it..the upper class's were easier to understand than the help...i was stopped and rewinding and listening and listening...i you have that much trouble understanding us???

dom said...

I understand most of what Americans say now, but I still have to have some sayings interpreted.