Saturday, September 09, 2006

Gene cancer cure ?

Two men who were expected to die within 6 months of aggressive forms of skin cancer appear to have been cured by gene therapy.

Mark Origer,53,was first diagnosed with cancer in 1999. The disease then spread, and in 2004 it reached his liver. No conventional treatment had any effect, yet within a month of undergoing gene therapy in December 2004, the tumour had shrunk by half !

Mr. Origer from Wisconsin, was well enough to attend his daughter, Katie's wedding in September 2005, and last week was declared clear of the cancer cells.

The treatment at the US National Cancer Institute in Bethesda, involves removing and modyfying T-cells ( a form of white blood cell) so that they develop a receptorthat recognises and kills tumours.

Although 17 patients with advanced melanoma recieved modified cells , on ly Mr. Origer and another man , Thomas M. , were completely cleared of the disease. Nevertheless, the reasearchers say it proves that gene therapy is a potentially significant weapon against cancer.


yellowdoggranny said...

the bushies will figure out some way to claim that it is against god's will and stop it in it's tracks...

yellowdoggranny said...

oh shit..i forgot..delete that comment..

dom said...

Who cares , I think it's one giant leap !