Friday, September 08, 2006

Scots confused by Welsh sign

A sign on a Aberdeenshire building site left local people mystified because it was written in Welsh as well as English.

Building company David McLean, whose HQ is on Deeside, north Wales, put up the notice apologising for inconvenience during the work in the Bridge of Don.

But local MSP Brian Adam said that if bilingual, it should at least have been in the local dialect of Doric.

The firm apologised and said a new sign would be put up as soon as possible.The top half of the sign read: "Ymddirheurwn am unrhyw anghyfleustra a achosir yn ystod gwaith adnewyddu" - although to the benefit of non-Welsh speakers, it also included the English translation: "We apologise for any inconvenience caused during refurbishment works".

"I'm not against the Welsh language, and this is not an anti-Welsh sentiment," said Mr Adam. "It doesn't matter how wonderful the Welsh language is, it's not appropriate for this part of Scotland."

Doric is a distinctive dialect of the north-east of Scotland, and has a rich history of poetry and songs, as well as being spoken across the region.

Dr Don Carney, a lecturer at Robert Gordon University and an authority on Doric, claims to be the first academic to get a PhD after recording Doric speakers on video.

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