Saturday, February 10, 2007


SHEBOYGAN, Wis. - About 40 tons of cow intestines and bones spilled onto a major highway after a truck driver became distracted by his digital music player and his semitrailer tipped over, officials said.

Authorities closed parts of Interstate 43 for about two hours Thursday while the beef byproduct was cleaned up, said sheriff's Sgt. Blaine Spicer.

The accident happened in the town of Mosel when 25-year-old Ryan Engle's truck veered off the road as he adjusted his MP3 player, Spicer said.

Engle, of Kenosha, was cited for inattentive driving and taken to a hospital with non-life threatening injuries, Spicer said.

The truck had to be towed from the scene. It is owned by Birchwood Transport of Kenosha.

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