Thursday, May 03, 2007

Identical twins

They’re identical twins, yet they could hardly be less alike. Byron Ryman weighed almost three times as much as his tiny brother, Lincoln, when they were born, one minute apart, on March 15.

Byron weighed in at 3lb 6oz (1.5kg) and Lincoln at only 1lb 2oz (510g) when they were induced 11 weeks early at the Royal Hospital for Women in Sydney.

Their mother, Nicole Ryan, was told to prepare for the worst when she was taken into hospital after complications during her pregnancy, including a condition in which blood flowed from one twin to the other in the womb. Doctors gave Lincoln a one in three chance of survival because he was so small.

Yet since birth the twins have displayed an extraordinary will to live, and thanks to the efforts of the medical staff the boys are now thriving.

Byron has put on more than a kilo, while Lincoln has gained just under 300g (10.6oz) and overcome breathing and heart problems.

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