Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Bog roll Britain

Every Briton flushes 17.6 kilos (39lb) of toilet paper down the lavatory every year, almost two and half times the European average, according to tissue industry figures.

British toilet paper consumption of 110 rolls per capita is 25 times that of Ukraine's, Europe's lowest.

Americans pull 15.7 kilos off the roll, ahead of Western Europe's average flush of 12.4, but still well behind the British.

Out of the EU states, new Europe's Baltic countries trail with 3.9 kilos annual consumption, three times less than the Germans.

New research published by the European Tissue Symposium sees Europe's toilet paper consumption soaring by 40 per cent over the next decade. Key to the runaway success of the toilet roll has been "creative and daring concepts" such as black loo paper.

Renova Black, a Portuguese brand sold in France, Spain and taking the US by storm, is cited as a successful "defiance of conventional thinking" in the world of toilet tissue.

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