Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Mariah mad

A Southampton man has been banned from his local pub for playing Mariah Carey songs on the jukebox.

Landlord Roy Dann finally snapped and banned Jeff Donovan for playing his idol's songs 20 times a day - for six years.

Regulars at the Gordon Arms were particularly fed up with All I Want for Christmas which he played all year round, reports the Daily Mirror.

Jeff, 35, who is single, said: "I love Mariah and listen to her over and over again, but other people obviously didn't share my musical taste.

"At the start when the landlord threatened to bar me I thought he was joking. All my mates drink there. I'm gutted. I don't want to find another local, I like this one."

Roy, 32, said: "To start with we found it amusing. I actually used to like Mariah before. But the other customers just had enough of listening to the same songs over and over again.

"I gave him plenty of warnings but he just laughed and told me the customer is always right. I don't care what he says now, he's not coming back into my pub."

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