Saturday, October 28, 2006

Goldilocks' Asbo and the Three Bears

A community group has produced a modern version of the children's tale Goldilocks and the Three Bears - in which Goldilocks receives an Anti Social Behaviour Order (Asbo).

The Safer Bristol Partnership says the new take on the story warns children about anti-social behaviour. A hoodie-wearing, bling-sporting Goldilocks is dealt with by the long arm of the law in the panto, which is set in and around Knowle West.

Rachel Furnivall, from the project, says it sent out an anti-crime message. "All the places mentioned in the pantomime are local so the kids will be able to identify with them," she added.

In the folk story Goldilocks discovers the bear's empty house and eats their porridge while the animals are out. The bears come back and are furious to find Goldilocks asleep in their bed.

But in the modern version - Goldilocks' Asbo and the Three Bears, the heroine commits criminal damage by breaking and entering the bears home.

Then she commits theft by eating their porridge and to top it all she commits vandalism after breaking baby bear's chair.

Goldilocks is arrested and sent up before a judge where she is sentenced to complete community service and given an Anti Social Behaviour Order.

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