Gong Duruo, who was born at Chengde, Hebei province, in 1901, wants a wife less than half his age. Gong, a doctor, said: “First, the woman better have a history of doctor practice or learning literature, since I need assistance to write a medical book. Second, the woman should be younger than 50, and can take care of my life.”
Gong has two medical degrees - one from the American State University around 1940, the other from the West China University of Medical Sciences in 2000. He currently lives with relatives but told Inner Mongolia Morning Papers he was looking for life partner again.
“Every one should have a goal. Without a goal, people would die very early. Thats why scientists always have longevity, like Einstein, since they have life-goals,” he said.
Poor ole Geezer. Surely by advertising he'll hook up with someone.
He'll probably get a coronary the first time he gets a bed bath from his half aged wife !
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