Squatters have been given permission to remain in a £ 9million Hampstead house rent free. The housing association that owns the five-storey Victorian property has agreed to allow up to 20 occupants who illegally took it over three months ago to stay on.
Calling themselves The Collective and hailing from Britain, France, America and Germany, the squatters moved into the empty house in Fitzjohn's Avenue. It is semi-detached and is believed to have 15 bedrooms.
Circle 33 housing association, which bought it for £8,770,000 in June last year, are letting them stay as long as they ensure the security and upkeep of the property. Circle 33 is in talks with Camden council over the long-term redevelopment of the site.
A local estate agent estimated the property could command between £4,500 and £8,000 a week on the open rental market.
Ali Nathan, lettings manager at Hamptons International in Hampstead, said: "In all our time we have never known a single Victorian house on Fitzjohn's Avenue to come onto the market, most are divided into flats. If it did come on the market it would probably be snapped up very quickly."
The new inhabitants, many sporting dreadlocks and tie-dyed clothing, have been welcomed by neighbours. One who has lived in the area for 10 years said: "They dropped leaflets through introducing themselves and giving their telephone numbers if there were any problems.
"They all seem to be friendly, they wave hello when they come and go. They haven't held any noisy parties and we really haven't heard a peep out of them. It's a bit bizarre them being allowed to live here rent free.
"It's not really fair when we pay so much but I feel safer having them here and it improves the condition of the house."
The squatters refused to answer the door but a French woman arriving at the house said she lived there: "We are a collective and we will have to make a decision as a community before we make any statement," she said.
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