Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Bill Gates retirement video

Before Bill Gates got into the major news of his last CES keynote address last night, he played a video portraying what his last day on the job would be like. A star-studded cast bid him farewell from Microsoft as they parodied Gates' struggle to fill up all the free time he'd inevitably have after he leaves his full-time job in July.

Gates goes on to a recording studio with Jay-Z. After an attempt at rapping, Gates turns incredulously to Jay-Z and says, "So let me get this straight. You can retire, and then unretire?"

He calls Bono, Jon Stewart and Steven Spielberg begging for work. They all turned him down. He called Barack Obama to ask him if he was in need of a running mate. Obama, not knowing which Bill was on the line said, "Bill? Bill Clinton?"

From what was heard from people after the keynote, his retirement video was one of the most entertaining of Gates' many speeches over the years.

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