Saturday, February 02, 2008

Dear Mr Shit Face

"It says Dear Sh**." said Justin Thompson. It is the first line in a letter sent to Thompson who lives in Derby. It's from a collection agency. "The first letter was to Mr. Sh** Face. We're basically going to sue you if you don't pay for this." said Thompson.

Profanity was in the address box and the salutation. It's rough language over a $16.39 debt for a CD club membership. "I was nervous. I've never been sued. I've never received a letter saying that I was going to be sued for something." said Thompson

"I often say, it's the dirtiest industry this side of tobacco." said attorney Kenneth Hiller. Hiller is taking on Justin's case and is suing the collection agency, Nationwide Collections Incorporated out of Florida. He says using profanity is against the law and he says the company falsely threatened to sue. "It would cost them more to file the suit, to hire a lawyer, than they would get in a law suite. I've never heard of a law suit over a $16 debt." said Hiller.

Worse may be how the letter ended. "I enclose my payment with the signature and there is sh** face under it. They expected me to sign sh** face and send it back to them." said Thompson.

Seven News did contact Nationwide Collections in Florida. They said told us the incident is regrettable. They don't know how it happened, but they don't believe it was one of their employees. Thompson's attorney says they'll be moving forward with a lawsuit on Monday.

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