But council workmen have left passers-by bemused after painting yellow lines that veer off into the middle of the carriageway.
The lines, which were repainted this week, originally went around a no entry sign in the Cowgate telling motorists they were banned from driving through the Cowgate between 10pm and 5am.
However, around 18 months ago, the sign was relocated to the entrance of the Cowgate at the Grassmarket and the pavement it was standing on removed.
And earlier this week council workers repainted the lines in the same place, so they are nearly half a metre away from the side of the road. Rev Sinclair Horne of the nearby Magdalen Chapel said he was astounded that council workers had not repainted the lines to follow the edge of the new pavement.
He said: "It seems like a stupid thing to have done. I haven't seen a problem yet but I am sure it could cause problems.
"It's the most stupid thing to come across."
Since they were installed five years ago, the no entry signs, which only light up at night, have caused a host of problems to both motorists and those who work in the area.
They were removed from outside the chapel because motorists from the Grassmarket were driving partially along the Cowgate before seeing the signs and then attempting to turn around or reverse.
One sign is now directly outside the front door of the Budget Backpackers hostel at the entrance to the Cowgate and owner James Cameron has been battling to have it relocated.
He said: "The council has agreed to move it after our lawyers contacted them and because I think they realised it was in a stupid place.
"It's unsightly and ruins the whole look of the building.
"As for the yellow lines, I don't understand why they have got them there, especially as they have just repainted them."
Traffic was banned from the Cowgate after figures showed there had been 46 accidents there in just three years, including two hit-and-run accidents and a fatal smash in which a 32-year-old woman was killed.
maybe they were drunk..
Probably steered round a drunk in the gutter more like , they're compassionate in Edinburgh
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