Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Peebles meets Peebles

When American minister Darryl R Peebles typed his name into an internet search engine, he was surprised to find another Daryl R Peebles living in the Australian island state of Tasmania. But the surprises kept coming.

After the minister contacted the Australian Daryl Peebles and over a series of emails the two found they had far more in common that just a name.

They were both born in 1949. Both have three children with a child born in 1975 and in 1977. Their fathers both came from small towns and worked on lathes of some kind.

The two Peebles also found they are both keen performers, and enjoyed magic, ventriloquism and playing music.

After more than a year of emailing, the two men got together last weekend in Graham in North Carolina where the American Peebles runs the Providence Christian church and put on two variety shows for about 400 people. Neither was disappointed.

"It is as through we have known each other forever. Our minds and our personalities are so much alike. It's as if we were brothers," the minister Peebles told Reuters on Monday.

"What are the chance of finding someone with your name with so many similarities. I still can't believe it has happened."

The American Peebles said he now hoped one day to get to Tasmania for a second series of shows with the Australian Peebles, who works for the Tasmania government.


Anonymous said...

damn I missed the show...25 mins away and you post a story xxx days late??? They were in Graham! That is in Burlington. It's almost as close as Winston-Salem. Bugger...

yellowdoggranny said... got it...another tv movie..ha

dom said...

Sorry Debbie.
Sounds like another deja vu movie JS (I wonder what the French for deja vu is )