Hundreds of nude cyclists pedalled around Spanish cities on Saturday to protest against car-clogged streets and demand greater respect for pollution-free transport.
With slogans like "one car less" and "bio methanol" painted on their backs, the naked cyclists staged Spain's third annual Ciclonudista or "Nudecycle" in Madrid, Barcelona and Pamplona.
The protest was part of world-wide naked bike riding events on Saturday across Europe, North America and South America.
"We feel naked when up against traffic because people don't see the bicycle as just another means of transport," said Madrid cyclist Ramon Linaza, wearing only a cycle helmet and shoes.
Towing cardboard cars with gaping jaws, protesters said the rapid rise of automobile ownership in Spain was turning city streets into ever more hostile and dangerous cycling territory.
Organisers said the bicycle was a healthy and efficient form of urban transport that is largely ignored by Spanish drivers and city planners.
Central Madrid has few bike paths and cyclists are a rarity on its streets. Barcelona has the most bike paths of any Spanish city, according to cycling activists.
Per capita car ownership has rocketed in Spain after a decade of strong economic growth.
i bet their balls swelled up to the size of cantalopes..and wonder how many seats of the womens bikes.. got sucked into the ..well, you know..
I taped this from BBC news this morning ( 5am) I'm gonna download it to youtube and put it on here.
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