A pub landlady who used a Welsh flag as target practice at a St George's Day event has been questioned by police over alleged racism.
Angie Sayer pinned it up at the New Inn in Wedmore, Somerset, for customers to take pot shots at with bows and arrows.
She claimed the Welsh flag was the only large image she could find to "slay the dragon" like the patron saint.
The complainant is understood to have reported her as a joke, which backfired when police arrived to question her.
Mrs Sayer said she had not intended to offend anyone by using the Welsh dragon during the event on 23 April.
"We used the flag because it was the only dragon we could find. We had people in here from Wales when we had the competition and they seemed to be enjoying it," she said.
"A week later the police came round to say they had an anonymous complaint that I was a racist and wanted to know if I knew who it was."
Mrs Sayer added: "How on earth can the police come down for things so silly as that when there's an awful lot of other things far more horrific that need to be sorted out? I'm not anti-anybody at all."
An Avon and Somerset police spokesman said an officer visited her informally, believing the complaint to be a prank, and that no formal objection had been made.
country to ensure the security he began having sexually explicit lives a small population of computerised in Denver won for what judges called a McCracken said he expected the citys
Keep taking the tablets sulmir.
(is it me or is he yakking utter shit ?)
In order to secure his country he began having lots of offspring. A small population of them moved to Denver. He sued the city because he expected to own Denver. They said he was smoking McCraken and needed to get treatment.
I must have those same tablets, (or need them) because I understand perfectly.
Now it all makes sense thanks for clearing that up Debbie , sorry sulmir ?
re the dragon...ooooooh...tom jones is gonna come kick her ass...
Sir Thom is too busy sunning his arse in LA
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